On this page you will find links to numerous MIGA publications, including our annual reports since 2000, and brochures and marketing briefs. Prospective clients and partners can also use this page to locate application forms, as well as sample contracts and other documents.
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) is undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from decades of steady growth to a more uncertain and fragmented environment. This report explores the emerging trends of near-shoring,...
MIGA is committed to promoting the green economy in our projects. In FY24, MIGA delivered a record $2.5 billion in climate finance across 30 projects in 22 countries. Sustainability Report 2024...
Amidst the collapse of market finance in developing countries, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) emerge as crucial agents for resource mobilization in sustainable development. In the new MIGA report, "Market Finance...
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our third Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2023. We provided $1.5 billion in guarantees for climate adaptation and climate mitigation...
MIGA’s new Investment Guarantee Guide provides up-to-date information about its products, terms of coverage, Small Investment Program (SIP), and application process.
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our second Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2022. We provided $1.14 billion in guarantees for climate adaptation and climate mitigation...
MIGA’s mandate is to drive foreign direct investment to developing countries by providing guarantees to investors and lenders while supporting projects that reduce poverty and promote climate change mitigation...
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our first Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2021. Working with our private sector clients and our public sector partners, MIGA has...
As a member of the World Bank Group, MIGA is committed to strong development impact and promoting projects that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable.
MIGA believes expanding collaboration among the development community in the use of political risk insurance can unlock private capital and this handbook sketches out a systematic approach to expanding partnerships.
MIGA’s mandate is to promote cross-border private investment in developing countries by providing guarantees (political risk insurance and credit enhancement) to investors and lenders.
MIGA aims to draw cross-border investment to developing economies in support of the World Bank Group’s mission of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. In FY19, MIGA continued to facilitate FDI...
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) is undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from decades of steady growth to a more uncertain and fragmented environment. This report explores the emerging trends of near-shoring,...
MIGA is committed to promoting the green economy in our projects. In FY24, MIGA delivered a record $2.5 billion in climate finance across 30 projects in 22 countries. Sustainability Report 2024...
Amidst the collapse of market finance in developing countries, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) emerge as crucial agents for resource mobilization in sustainable development. In the new MIGA report, "Market Finance...
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our third Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2023. We provided $1.5 billion in guarantees for climate adaptation and climate mitigation...
MIGA’s new Investment Guarantee Guide provides up-to-date information about its products, terms of coverage, Small Investment Program (SIP), and application process.
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our second Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2022. We provided $1.14 billion in guarantees for climate adaptation and climate mitigation...
MIGA’s mandate is to drive foreign direct investment to developing countries by providing guarantees to investors and lenders while supporting projects that reduce poverty and promote climate change mitigation...
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our first Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2021. Working with our private sector clients and our public sector partners, MIGA has...
As a member of the World Bank Group, MIGA is committed to strong development impact and promoting projects that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable.
MIGA believes expanding collaboration among the development community in the use of political risk insurance can unlock private capital and this handbook sketches out a systematic approach to expanding partnerships.
MIGA’s mandate is to promote cross-border private investment in developing countries by providing guarantees (political risk insurance and credit enhancement) to investors and lenders.
MIGA aims to draw cross-border investment to developing economies in support of the World Bank Group’s mission of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. In FY19, MIGA continued to facilitate FDI...
MIGA's corporate presentation includes information on our three product lines political risk insurance, credit enhancement solutions, and trade finance.
MIGA recently celebrated a significant milestone by issuing its 1,000th project guarantee, highlighting its 35-year history of supporting critical initiatives in emerging markets. For its 1,000th project, MIGA provided...
MIGA’s Trade Finance Guarantee provides protection against losses resulting from the failure of a state-owned bank or public authority to pay an unconditional financial obligation related to a trade finance transaction.
MIGA’s new Investment Guarantee Guide provides up-to-date information about its products, terms of coverage, Small Investment Program (SIP), and application process.
What is the SURE TF? Given the heightened risks of operating in Ukraine during the ongoing war, MIGA uses the Support for Ukraine’s Reconstruction and Economy Trust Fund (SURE TF) to enable its guarantee issuance...
MIGA is committed to sustainable development. Our second Sustainability Report explores how this commitment has been fulfilled in 2022. We provided $1.14 billion in guarantees for climate adaptation and climate mitigation...
What is the West Bank and Gaza Trust Fund
The West Bank and Gaza Trust Fund was established in 1997 to encourage private sector investment and economic development in the West Bank and Gaza — a Fragility, Conflict...
What is FASTF?
Established in January 2022, the FASTF’s objective is to enhance development impacts of MIGA projects and mitigate their risks by delivering direct technical assistance through third party service...
What is RECTF?
The RECTF is a Multi-Donor Trust Fund that supports Climate Finance investment by catalyzing renewable energy projects and projects tied to renewable energy (i.e., mini-grid systems, transmission systems,...
What is CAFEF?
CAFEF, a Multi-Donor Trust Fund, supports MIGA’s activities in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS). CAFEF was initially launched in 2013 with funding from the Government of Canada, the Swedish...
What is MGF?
The MIGA Guarantee Facility (MGF) provides shared first-loss and risk-participation akin to reinsurance for MIGA guarantees. It aims to bridge the gaps where market and MIGA-arranged capacity for eligible...