Central Termica de Ressano Garcia
Environmental and Social Review Summary
Central Termica de Ressano Garcia
This Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) is prepared by MIGA staff and disclosed prior to the date on which MIGA’s Board of Directors considers the proposed issuance of a Contract of Guarantee. Its purpose is to enhance the transparency of MIGA’s activities. This document should not be construed as presuming the outcome of the decision by MIGA’s Board of Directors. Board dates are estimates only.
Any documentation that is attached to this ESRS has been prepared by the project sponsor, and authorization has been given for public release. MIGA has reviewed the attached documentation as provided by the applicant, and considers it of adequate quality to be released to the public, but does not endorse the content
MIGA has been asked to provide guarantees for up to 15 years related to the Central Termica de Ressano Garcia S.A. (CTRG) Project in Mozambique to Absa Corporate and Investment Bank (Absa), a division of Absa Bank Limited of South Africa, for its non-shareholder loan to CTRG; and (ii) to Azura CTRG Holdings Limited of Mauritius, for its equity and quasi-equity/shareholder loan (including interest) investments in CTRG. Further details are available in the Summary of Proposed Guarantee for the Project.
The Project involves the ownership, operation, and transfer of a 175 MW natural gas-fired power plant located at Ressano Garcia, Mozambique, near the southern border with South Africa. The Project is evacuating power into existing transmission infrastructure managed by Electricidade de Moçambique E.P. (EDM), the Mozambican power utility. The CTRG plant is one of the first internationally-financed Independent Power Producers (IPPs) of Mozambique.
The Project site covers a footprint of approximately six hectares of greenfield site. The surrounding land use includes a mixture of agricultural/forestry land and lower density residential areas. Since the plant began operating, additional residential development has occurred. Access to the site is via a 200m gravel road which connects it to the N4 highway, the main road leading to South Africa. There is one other gas plant located in the vicinity of the Project, Gigawatt (100MW). The CTRG plant is generating between 130MW and 175MW of net electricity using up to 18 internal combustion engines (Wärtsilä engines of the type 20V34SG), each with an open capacity of approximately 9.73MW. Sixteen gas engines are generally in operation with one on standby and one on maintenance. All engines are located indoors in a power house. Natural gas is sourced from the Pande and Temane gas field concession and supplied to the plant via an existing 1.2 km pipeline branch (which is also used by Gigawatt) from the existing main gas pipeline (both pipelines owned and operated by Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company, ROMPCO), which exports gas from Mozambique to South Africa. Electrical energy is exported via a 400m 275 kV transmission line (associated facility) to an existing substation which is located approximately 200m from the CTRG gas plant. The plant was constructed by Wärtsilä Finland Oy and Wärtsilä Mozambique LDA (EPC contractors) and was commissioned in February 2015. Wärtsilä Mozambique carried out operations and maintenance (O&M) for the first three years of operations during which time the responsibility for day to day operations was transitioned to an in-house team. Subsequently, CTRG and Wartsila entered into a long-term services agreement whereby Wärtsilä provides parts and services for major maintenances as well as other bespoke services; this contract is in place until 2025. After that period, CTRG will either renew this contract or procure the relevant services on an as-needed basis. The ownership will be fully transferred to the Government of Mozambique at the end of the concession period, at which point it will be operated by EDM solely.
IFC disclosed its ESRS for this Project in 2014 and invested in the Project in 2018. MIGA’s review is largely based on IFC’s due diligence review and ongoing monitoring of the Project.
The Project is categorized as Category B according to MIGA’s Policy on Environmental and Social Sustainability (2013). The environmental and social risks and impacts associated with this project are limited, site-specific and can be readily addressed through generally accepted mitigation measures as described in this document and the attached Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP).
The main environmental, social, occupational health and safety risks associated with this Project relate to the management of environmental and social impacts in line with Mozambican Laws and IFC Performance Standards (PSs); the capacity of both CTRG and Operations & Maintenance contractors to manage their social, environmental and safety performance, and engage with project stakeholders including local communities; management of cumulative impacts associated with existing gas plant projects; assurance of fair, safe and healthy working conditions for employees and contract workers during operations and decommissioning of Project facilities; and management of community health and safety particularly with respect to hazardous operations and emergency response in the supply of gas and use of gas in power generation.
While all Performance Standards are applicable to this investment, based on our current information, the investment will have impacts which must be managed in a manner consistent with the following Performance Standards:
- PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
- PS2: Labor and Working Conditions
- PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
- PS4: Community Health, Safety and Security.
As construction is complete and the plant is operational in a modified habitat, no new land acquisition is expected and thus PSs 5 (Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement), 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources), and 8 (Cultural Heritage) are no longer applicable. As per initial due diligence, no impacts on Indigenous Peoples were expected and have been identified since then and therefore, 7 (Indigenous Peoples) is not applicable.
In addition, the following World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety (WBG EHS) Guidelines are applicable to the Project:
- General EHS Guidelines (2007)
- EHS Guidelines for Power Transmission and Distribution (2007)
EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants (2008).
The following documents were reviewed by MIGA:
- ESRS prepared by IFC and disclosed in 2014
- Annual Monitoring Report for January 1-December 31, 2020 (completed March 31, 2021), including monitoring data for air quality and noise for December 2019 and February 2021.
Due diligence included coordination with IFC regarding their ongoing monitoring of the Project and discussions with Azura Power Holdings Limited. IFC has been carrying out monitoring of the Project as per their procedures. The Project has been submitting annual environmental and social monitoring reports to IFC. IFC E&S staff visited the Project in 2018 and carried out a virtual monitoring event in February 2021 (due to the global pandemic and travel restrictions). MIGA has relied on IFC’s review and due diligence of the Project. Some content for this ESRS originates from IFC’s 2014 ESRS and has been updated as necessary to reflect the Project is fully operational.
MIGA’s due diligence review considered the environmental and social management and monitoring process and documentation for the Project, and identified gaps (if any) between these and MIGA’s requirements. Where necessary, corrective measures, intended to close these gaps within a reasonable time period, are summarized in the paragraphs that follow and in the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) attached to this ESRS. Through the implementation of these measures, the Project is expected to be designed and operated in accordance with the Performance Standards.
Key environmental and social (E&S) issues associated with the Project business activities are summarized in the paragraphs that follow.
PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
Environmental and Social Assessment and Management System:
IFC’s assessment considered CTRG’s management of its environmental, safety and health performance; compliance with Mozambican permitting requirements; and public engagement and disclosure of information about its operations. The assessment included the E&S impacts of the associated facilities at the time of IFC’s due diligence – the gas pipeline and the overhead transmission line. The gas pipeline (owned and operated by ROMPCO) is now being used by Gigawatt power plant and is no longer considered an associated facility to this Project.
Environmental and Social Assessment and Identification of Risks and Impacts:
An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and an Environmental and Social Management & Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) were prepared and submitted to the Mozambique Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA) in June 2012. Approval was granted in August 2012 and an environmental license was issued for the project. The ESIA for this Project covered the planning, construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the project. The ESIA addressed Project site and technology alternatives; the stakeholder engagement and public participation process; identification and assessment of environmental and social risks and impacts; measures to avoid, mitigate or offset the impacts identified and an ESMMP. The E&S impacts identified covered: air quality; biodiversity; hydrology and water quality; occupational health and safety (OHS); waste; noise; traffic and visual impacts; cultural heritage; and geology and topography. The ESIA also included a cumulative impact assessment which took into account other proposed gas plants – Aggreko and Gigawatt. Aggreko has been decommissioned and Gigawatt has since commenced operations. The ESIA was conducted in line with the requirements of Mozambican Laws, the IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Group EHS Guidelines – General, Electric Power Transmission & Distribution and Thermal Power Sector Guidelines. The potential risk of land mines was identified and therefore, prior to the commencement of project activities on the site, de-mining activities were carried out by Mozambique Mine Action Lda. The process covered the main site, gas pipeline servitude, transmission line servitude and the access road, and involved cutting of some vegetation and some excavation.
Per IFC’s ESAP, CTRG developed and implemented an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) which is consistent with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 as well as the requirements of this Performance Standard and applicable WBG General and Sector-Specific EHS Guidelines (Electric Power Transmission & Distribution and Thermal Power).
Management Programs:
Per IFC’s ESAP, appropriate plans, policies and procedures have been developed and are being implemented for the operations and maintenance phase.
Monitoring and Review:
During operations all parameters that require monitoring in line with local regulations and WBG EHS guidelines are monitored, as defined in the ESMMP. Monitoring data and reports are provided to MICOA as required. Environmental compliance audits are conducted on a quarterly basis by CTRG and reports provided to MICOA and other relevant authorities as defined in the ESMMP. National Law (Decree No. 25/2011) also empowers MICOA to conduct site audits. CTRG has defined key performance indicators (KPIs) in order to monitor EHS parameters such as Lost Time Incidence Frequency Rate (LTIFR); accident free days; carbon emissions, water consumption, wastewater parameters and air emissions. In addition, the EHS Manager/Officer defined an integrated EHS report to senior management to cover key EHS KPIs. These EHS KPIs include: compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, EHS management system progress report; air emissions, solid and liquid waste management, compliance with national OHS requirements, community complaints, and community engagement activities. The Project, in collaboration with MIGA, will review and update the annual monitoring report template used for the monitoring report to be submitted to MIGA (see ESAP action item #1).
Organizational Capacity:
For the O&M phase, the Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) department has three staff plus 8 SHE representatives who champion SHE aspects within their respective departments. The Community and Social Investment (CSI) department is led by a manager and supported by two administrative staff, and is responsible to oversee the administration of CSI programs.
Emergency Preparedness and Response:
In line with the environmental license for this project, CTRG is required to inform public health authorities of any environmental damage or occurrence that could affect the public. An Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan which covers the procedures for informing stakeholders and responding to emergencies has been developed for the project. The Occupational and Community Health, Safety and Security Plan also identifies communication systems and emergency resources. Firefighting equipment and spill kits are also available on site. CTRG has incorporated the Emergency Response Plan in the EHS documents for the operational phase.
CTRG developed appropriate pandemic response plans and is implementing required procedures in response to COVID-19 pandemic at the Project.
Climate Change:
The CTRG Plant is located in a region which is expected to see an increase in the likelihood of occurrence for wildfires, floods and high winds under unabated climate change over the near, medium and long term. Climate models project that tropical cyclone risks for the Moamba District will increase in future; however, as the CTRG Plant is located inland, material impacts from tropical cyclone events will be less likely. The Komati/Incomati River drains a large basin (approx. 50,000 square kilometers) which could see an increase in flow volumes and rates leading to flood events in and around the town of Ressano Garcia. As the CTRG Plant is more than 3 kilometers away from the Incomati River, impacts arising from typical and extreme categories of riverine floods are expected to be limited.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Stakeholder engagement was included as part of the project development process; the engagement process was conducted in line with the requirements of this Performance Standard and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) was developed. The stakeholder engagement process covered stakeholder identification, information disclosure, consultation and participation. The identified stakeholders included – affected communities (including owners of agricultural land, vacant plots and culturally significant assets); government and regulatory authorities; non-governmental organizations and special interest groups; media, labor organizations and the general public. Meetings were held with leaders of the affected communities and the municipal authorities as well as regulatory authorities. The public participation process included public announcements and public meetings during the scoping and ESIA phases. The SEP also covers the engagement process during project operation and decommissioning. Due to COVID-19, the annual interested parties meeting was post-poned and efforts were made to hold smaller group meetings. The focus of these meetings was COVID-19 prevention and corporate assistance (where possible). The Project has agreed to review and revise the SEP to ensure women and vulnerable groups are represented in stakeholder engagement; and furthermore, include the process for recruiting community liaison officers (see ESAP action item #2).
External Communications and Grievance Mechanisms:
Grievance procedures have been developed for the affected communities and continuous interaction with affected communities will be maintained through the community liaison officers which are a team of five community representatives that serve as intermediaries for the disclosure of information to communities. A complaints register is available for documenting complaints from the public and a process is in place to manage these complaints.
For the operational phase, CTRG developed a Grievance Mechanism which meets the requirements of this Performance Standard. The mechanism and external communication procedures are included in the ESMS as per the IFC ESAP. CRTG reported not receiving any environmental or health complaints (including through the grievance mechanism) in 2020, and have received requests to explain the recruitment process for community liaison officers and for supporting donations.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility program, CTRG embarked on a number of projects that were agreed with the community (e.g., construction of classroom for a primary school and a health center, etc.). However, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, adjustments were made to support emergency response efforts with regard to the local need for medical and protective equipment.
PS2: Labor and Working Conditions
At the operational stage, CTRG employs about 69 employees at the plant and 17 at the head office in Maputo. Out of the 86 employees, 10 are female. Contractors are also engaged for services such as security, medical, cleaning, and renovation and maintenance tasks. There are no workers’ accommodations or food preparation facilities at the Project site.
Human Resources Policy and Management: CTRG employees are subject to the Labor Relations Policy developed for the CTRG Project. This policy was developed in line with the requirements of Mozambican Laws and this Performance Standard. The policy covers aspects such as terms of employment, working hours, employees’ organization, training and recruitment. CTRG developed HR policies and procedures for the operational phase which meet the requirements of this Performance Standard, Mozambican Labor Laws and the ESMMP.
Worker’s Organization:
During operations, CTRG allows freedom of association in line with the requirements of this Performance Standards.
Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity:
As part of its HR Policies and Procedures, CTRG developed and implemented a formal policy on non-discrimination and equal opportunity to cover all operations. The Project has a Code of Professional Conduct & Ethics which commits to zero tolerance to sexual harassment or discrimination. The Project will undertake the necessary training to ensure that those in charge of implementing policies and procedures related to sexual harassment or discrimination have the skills to do so. Furthermore, the Project will review its procedures, training, and workers’ grievance mechanism to ensure that relevant aspects of gender-based violence are addressed, and will on a best efforts basis, apply those policies and procedures to key contractors (see ESAP action item #3).
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS):
The Occupational and Community Health, Safety and Security Plan of the ESMMP covers OHS issues related to employees in line with the requirements of this Performance Standard, Mozambican Law and Sasol’s OHS requirements. Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and training are provided to employees and regular toolbox talks are held to facilitate management of OHS risks and to encourage employees work in a safe manner. The Project launched a trainee program under a memorandum of understanding with the Instituto Industrial de Maputo to offer practical training to electrical technician candidates. The Project is recording incidents, near misses and injuries as part of its OHS plan and policies. One OHS incident was reported in 2020 and a root cause analysis was carried out. CTRG has incorporated the operational OHS plan into the CTRG EHS documents.
Third Party Workers:
During the operational phase CTRG employs a number of third-party workers. CTRG has developed and implemented a procedure to require contractors’ labor and working policies and practices to comply with the requirements of this Performance Standard and Mozambican Laws.
PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
Resource Efficiency:
For the period covering 2018 to 2020, annual greenhouse gas emissions for the CTRG Plant were between 535,575 to 567,976 tons of CO2e. This translated to a carbon intensity of 464 to 469 gCO2e/kWh over the same period. CTRG quantifies and reports direct and indirect emissions annually in their annual environmental and social monitoring report.
Water is required for cooling the engines, firefighting and domestic consumption. At the time of preparing the ESIA, water was expected to be sourced from a borehole (8m3/day) and supplemented by harvesting rain water from the rooftops on site or by abstraction from Komati River (located north of the site) which will be delivered to site via a 20m3 road tanker. However, the Project has instead been relying on water delivered via tanker truck from a licensed water services company. Recognizing water scarcity in the area, the Project has agreed to carry out geo-hydrological and hydrological studies to determine sustainable yields (factoring in other water users in the area) should it decide to change the water source from water tankers to groundwater (see ESAP action item #4).
The CTRG plant has a water treatment unit for treating raw water to the quality acceptable for various water consumers in the plant. Influent water from the river is treated through pH correction, dissolved air flotation, ultrafiltration and disinfection steps, and treated water is pumped to a 150m3 fresh water storage tank. The treated water is used for fire water or further treated through reverse osmosis for use as process water and domestic water.
Effluent Treatment:
Effluent from the Project includes sanitary sewage (kitchen and domestic waste), and oily water. The reverse osmosis system is not expected to generate significant volumes of effluent. The recovery from the reverse osmosis is designed to be low in order to recycle the non-permeate from reverse osmosis to the dissolved air flotation system. Uncontaminated storm water continues on its natural path while the contaminated storm water is sent to the oily water system. All effluents are treated on site. Sanitary sewage is treated through anaerobic/aerobic digestion (activated sludge system). The system consists of a 27 m3 primary treatment section (equalization tank), 20 m3 secondary treatment (activated sludge system) and the 60 m3 tertiary treatment (maturation pond). Grease from the kitchen effluent is separated through grease traps before going to the treatment system. The treatment system was designed in line with WBG EHS Guidelines. The digesters break down the sewage at a rate of approximately 99% of the incoming solids and reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD) to acceptable levels in line with WBG EHS requirements. The liquid effluent from the activated sludge system is sent to the maturation pond where tertiary treatment takes place. The final treated effluent from the maturation pond evaporates. Despite not being discharged to the environment, effluent monitoring is carried out internally on a weekly basis and monthly by an independent contractor and is mostly compliant with WBG parameters (there are some short-term exceedances). The maturation pond is designed to accommodate the effluent, as well as rainfall up to the 1:100 year rainfall level, to ensure that the pond does not overflow into the surrounding environment. Sludge from the equalization tank is removed every 4-5 years (as needed) for disposal to appropriate disposal sites.
Oily effluent from the engine power house, bunded areas, workshop and contaminated stormwater is collected in an oily water pit. The oily water is separated on site; oily sludge is transferred into a road tanker for processing by a licensed contractor. The clean water from the oil separator is sent to the storm water drain through the sample pit. There is no discharge to the environment, and the stormwater passes through underground pipes to the sludge collector which is collected by a third party contractor.
Pollution Prevention:
Air emissions: Air emissions from the project are primarily dust/particulates and stack emissions. As part of the ESIA, a baseline assessment of the air quality was conducted as well as an air quality impact assessment (for both construction and operational phases) which included a cumulative impact assessment of the three plants – CTRG, Agrekko and Gigawatt (all in the proposal stage at the time of the assessment. The baseline assessment revealed high background levels of total suspended particulates (TSP) and particulate matter (PM10) and low background levels of nitrogen oxide (NO2) and sulphur oxide (SO2). It is noted that the monitoring was done over a period of one month – November 2011 – using five monitoring stations located within and outside the project site boundary. Low concentrations of NO2, SO2, TSP and PM10 were predicted for the operational phase and will be monitored for an agreed period of time to verify the prediction. CTRG uses a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System for NOx emissions measurement. Deviations are attended to through individual engine adjustments. NOx emissions were well within the WBG guidelines (not exceeding 200mg/m3 more than 5% of the time).
The Project air quality monitoring currently consists of continuous monitoring for point source emission for NOx and on an annual basis for ambient air quality for Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Volatile organic compounds - Benzene and Toluene. Ethylbenzene and Xylene, (BTEX) in seven locations within and outside the plant boundary. This is carried out by a third part independent firm using passive sampling for 7 days.
The latest February 2021 ambient air quality result concluded that all sampling locations complied with the Mozambican and WBG guidelines, except for BTEX although detected in most samples, the measured concentrations did not exceed the US EPA-IRIS RfC guidelines. This is consistent with 2019 results for BTEX and is not a result of CTRG operation which run on gas, but rather from vehicles given close proximity of a major road (N4) used by heavy transport trucks.
The parameters of interest were analyzed against historical data (monitoring reports from WSP – 2014 and 2016), and the third party firm concluded that its overall opinion is that the concentration of all studied parameters have been decreasing and/or are stabelized in comparison to concentrations determined before CTRG started to operate in the area. The firm also indicated that this can also be attributed to the decommissioning of Aggreko which was operating during the construction and early operation of CTRG. The Project has expressed a willingness to work with stakeholders should the regulatory authority lead a regional airshed monitoring initiative.
Noise: The Project operates 24 hours seven (7) days a week. Noise exposure occurs during operation and the nearest sensitive receptors (homes) are located approximately 350 m away, residences which have been established after the plant commenced operations. The CTRG plant is carrying out ambient noise monitoring on an annual basis at sensitive receptors which were identified in the ESIA baseline. Project noise monitoring has indicated all day and night time levels recorded along the CTRG plant site complied with relevant guidelines for industrial areas. However, measurements conducted at residential areas have exceeded the respective guideline values. Based on the original baseline information for sensitive receptors, additional noise mitigation could be required to address noise impacts generated by the Project. However, the primary noise sources in the residential area cannot be attributed solely to the Project because of the Gigawatt power plant nearby and the close proximity of a major road (N4) used by heavy transport trucks, both which are noise sources outside the control of the Project.
There is one underground water storage tank on the project site and the anaerobic digesters are also located underground. As part of the monitoring program, the Project will develop and implement a protocol for monitoring the integrity of the anaerobic digestors (see ESAP action item #5).
Solid Wastes: A Waste Management Plan (WMP) has been developed for the operational phase of the Project. Domestic waste, recyclables (plastics, paper, metals.) and small quantities of oil and oil-contaminated material are sorted on site and collected by a licensed waste collector (Enviroserv) for disposal. CTRG has developed a Waste Management Procedure, as part of the operating procedures for the site, and continues to participate in benchmarking exercises to set waste reduction targets.
Hazardous Materials Management: Hazardous materials/chemicals that are used during the operation of the plant include: industrial degreasers for engine washing; propylene glycol as water additive; lubrication oil; oxidation catalyst; ferric chloride; sulphonate engine cleaners; and mud-settling flocculant. All chemicals/hazardous materials except lubricating oil are stored in drums or bags in the designated storage area. Lubricating oil is stored in bunded (110% secondary containment) tanks; on-site facilities include loading and waste oil dispatch and storage tanks and associated pipe work for fresh, service and used oils. Used lubricating oil is also stored in a service tank on the site prior to removal by a licensed operator.
PS4: Community Health, Safety and Security
Community Health and Safety
The nearest residence is located approximately 350 m from the Project. The Occupational and Community Health, Safety and Security Plan and the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) developed for the project cover the management of community health and safety. The Project represented that the last fire inspection and drill were carried out in May 2021, with drills carried out monthly. The Project has committed to revise the EPRP to include community notification of Project-related emergencies and awareness of the EPRP and coordinate, as appropriate, with Gigawatt power plant (see ESAP action item #6). The design of the Project was in line with good international industry practice and the WBG EHS Guidelines. As discussed under Performance Standard 3, potentially hazardous materials are managed in suitable manner to avoid community exposure to these materials.
Since construction, the Project area has experienced influx of people who have moved to the area to seek employment and other business opportunities. This influx has led to encroachment along the 50 m buffer zone for the gas pipeline. Although not operated by the Project, the Project has raised the concern in community meetings and will engage with ROMPCO and District Officials. The Project is committed to continue working with all relevant parties to raise awareness of health and safety aspects living near a power plant and gas pipeline (see ESAP action item #7). The Project will explore options with District Officials (and/or ROMPCO) to take actions to protect the buffer zone for the pipeline. Additionally, there is some encroachment occurring close to the CTRG Plant and the Project will explore with District Officials to establish an appropriate buffer zone and on a best efforts basis, to ensure land use around the Project site is compatible with an operational power plant (see ESAP action item #8).
The main road access to the site is the EN4 highway which stretches from South Africa's border with Botswana via Pretoria to Maputo in Mozambique. Generally, the traffic generated by the Project has an insignificant impact on the operational condition on the N4.
Security Personnel:
Security risk assessments are carried out by the Project’s head office and updates are shared with the Project. Site security is managed by a licensed, private security firm (Fusilium Eight) who provide trained security personnel. Fusilium Eight has committed to investigating any allegations of unlawful acts by the security personnel to prevent re-occurrences and the Project’s grievance mechanism is designed to accept security-related complaints.
The documentation listed below is available electronically as PDF attachments to this ESRS at www.miga.org:
- CTRG Environmental and Social Action Plan dated June 11, 2021
- IFC Environmental and Social Review Summary dated 2014
Access to the above documentation, and further information and questions related to the Project can be directed to:
- Azura Power Holdings Limited:
- Seynabou Ba, Head of ESG: sba@azurapower.com
- SHE Manager: magaretM@ctrg.co.mz
- CTRG Plant
- Ressano Garcia, Moambo District
- Maputo Province
- Mozambique
MIGA supports its clients (as defined in MIGA Policy on Environmental and Social Sustainability) in addressing environmental and social issues arising from their business activities by requiring them to set up and administer appropriate grievance mechanisms and/or procedures to address complaints from Affected Communities.
In addition, Affected Communities have unrestricted access to the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO), the independent accountability mechanism for MIGA. The CAO is mandated to address complaints from people affected by MIGA-guaranteed business activities in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive, with the goal of improving environmental and social project outcomes and fostering greater public accountability of MIGA.
Independent of MIGA management and reporting directly to the World Bank Group President, the CAO works to resolve complaints using a flexible, problem-solving approach through its dispute resolution arm and oversees project-level audits of MIGA’s environmental and social performance through its compliance arm.
Complaints may relate to any aspect of MIGA-guaranteed business activities that is within the mandate of the CAO. They can be made by any individual, group, community, entity, or other party affected or likely to be affected by the environmental or social impacts of a MIGA-guaranteed business activity. Complaints can be submitted to the CAO in writing to the address below:
Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman
International Finance Corporation
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Room F11K-232
Washington, DC 20433 USA
Tel: 1 202 458 1973
Fax: 1 202 522 7400
E-mail: cao-compliance@ifc.org