2000 Annual Report
During fiscal 2000, MIGA undertook a major review of its activities, as required by its Convention. The review details the agency’s growth since the last review in 1994 and maps future directions. In this exercise I was most grateful for the wise counsel of many leaders and experts. Based on an extensive market survey, the review reinforced four main areas of focus established last year: developmental effectiveness, financial soundness, client orientation, and partnerships and allowed MIGA to identify as “priority areas” the types of investment that are generally not well supported by other insurers, namely: investments in IDA-eligible countries, investments in Africa, South-South investments, and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Performance in fiscal 2000 was in line with these directions, and MIGA intends to continue to focus on its comparative advantage in guarantees and technical assistance
- Introduction: Letter from the President | Board of Directors and Alternates | Message from the Executive Vice President | MIGA Officers
- Highlights of Fiscal 2000 and MIGA Membership
- MIGA Membership
- Guarantees Program
- Guarantees Program (cont.)
- Technical Assistance Services and Legal Activities
- Financial Overview and Financial Statements
- Appendices
Arabic: Highlights | Letter from the President | Message from the Executive Vice President
French: Highlights | Letter from the President | Message from the Executive Vice President
Spanish: Highlights | Letter from the President | Message from the Executive Vice President