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Côte d'Ivoire

Henri Konan Bédié Bridge

$13.3 million
Project Brief

Project Description

In fiscal year 2012, issued $145.0 million in guarantees covering equity investments and subordinated loans from Bouygues Travaux Publics of France and Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund of South Africa, subordinated and senior loans from Africa Finance Corporation of Nigeria, [3] and senior loans from BMCE Bank International Plc of the United Kingdom [2] and FMO of the Netherlands [1] for the Henri Konan Bédié Bridge. In fiscal year 2015, the contracts were amended to provide additional coverage of $13.3 million. The scope of the project has not changed. Please refer to the brief issued in fiscal year 2012.

[1] The guarantee to FMO of the Netherlands, was cancelled on March 9, 2024

[2] The guarantee to BMCE Bank International Plc of the United Kingdom was cancelled on March 27, 2024.

[3] The guarantees to Bouygues Travaux Publics of France and Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund of South Africa and Africa Finance Corporatio were cancelled on April 03, 2024. Equity investment guarantees are  active.

The proposed project is the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a 2x3 lane, 1.5 km toll bridge and 6.6 km of access roads in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The Henri Konan Bédié Bridge (""HKB Bridge""), formerly the Riveria-Marcory Bridge, will span the Ebrié lagoon, with access roads to the north Abidjan residential area of Riviera in the commune of Cocody, and to the south Abidjan mixed use commercial/residential area of the commune of Marcory (the ""Project""). [1] To the north, construction will consist of a 2x2 lane dual carriageway that will connect with the junction of the Boulevard Mitterrand and Est-Ouest roads and on which will be the toll plaza. To the south, construction will consist of a 2x3 lane dual carriageway with lateral access roads that will connect to Boulevard Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (""VGE"") via an interchange that will be financed by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire (""GOCI""). Pont Houphouët-Boigny, one of the existing two bridges that cross the lagoon, will close for urgent repairs after the HKB Bridge opens.

The Project was originally tendered as a concession by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire (""GOCI"") in July 1996. A consortium consisting of Bouygues Travaux Publics S.A., Bouygues Bâtiment International S.A. and its Ivorian subsidiary, SETAO S.A. (collectively known as ""Bouygues"" or the ""Sponsor"") was selected as the preferred bidder in April 1997. The concession was signed in November 1997 between GOCI and the project enterprise, Société Concessionnaire du Pont Riviera-Marcory (""SOCOPRIM""), a joint venture company majority owned by Bouygues. Société Anonyme de Construction du Pont Riviéra Marcory (""SACPRM""), a company wholly-owned by Bouygues, is the engineering, procurement and construction (""EPC"") contractor and will be constructing the HKB Bridge.[2] SACPRM has also been independently appointed by GOCI to construct the VGE interchange.

Preliminary construction works on the Project commenced October 2011, funded by GOCI following inauguration by President Ouattara in September 2011. These works include design, surface earth movement, geotechnical, topographical and bathymetric surveys, construction of site temporary installations, dredging, quays, execution design, earth moving, drainage, minor bridges, pavement between VGE interchange (not included) and OA6 bridge. Despite the preliminary works, the Project will not fully begin its 25-month construction phase until one month following financial close. The provision of all land within the Project right-of-way, free and clear of encumbrances, is on-going and will be discussed as part of PS5.

MIGA proposes to provide up to €165 million in guarantees for equity investments and loans by Bouygues and Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund, and loans by Africa Finance Corporation, BMCE Bank International Plc and Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (""FMO"") to SOCOPRIM. The African Development Bank (""AfDB"") will also be participating in the Project as a senior lender, acting as Mandated Lead Arranger. AfDB’s Board approved the Project in February 2012.

B.  Environmental and Social Categorization

The Project is a Category A under MIGA’s Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability. Key impacts include physical and economic displacement; pollution and degradation of surface water from dredging, drilling of piles, soil erosion and runoff; and the management and disposal of solid and hazardous  wastes, resulting from construction materials, according their level of risk for environment; air emissions from fugitive dust, and heavy machinery and vehicle exhaust; and community and worker health and safety.


[1] Marcory and Cocody are among the numerous communes (smaller municipalities) that together make up the greater metropolitan area of Abidjan. Marcory and Cocody each have their own municipal governments and mayors.

[2] Bouygues, SOCOPRIM and SACPRM are collectively known as the ""Sponsor"".

While all Performance Standards are applicable to this investment, based on current information MIGA’s environmental and social due diligence indicates that the investment will have impacts which must be managed in a manner consistent with the following Performance Standards:

  • PS1:  Social and Environmental Assessment and Management System
  • PS2:  Labor and Working Conditions
  • PS3:  Pollution Prevention and Abatement
  • PS4:  Community Health, Safety and Security
  • PS5:  Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

PS6 is not applicable because the Project does not present risks to the loss of critical habitat, natural habitat or legally protected areas. PS7 is not applicable to this Project because it is located in an urban area. Significant effects on cultural resources are not expected, though a "chance finds” procedure consistent with PS8 will be required as part of the Environment and Social Management Plan.

The World Bank Group General Environmental, Health and Safety (""EHS"") Guidelines, and Industry Sector EHS Guidelines for Toll Roads are also applicable. 

MIGA’s environmental and social review of the Project included two environmental and social due diligence site visits. The first was in December 2009, accompanied by AfDB, and the second in March 2012. The latter site visit was conducted to update the Project information and better understand the outstanding issues and potential mitigation measures following a second delay in the transaction as a result of the November 2010 electoral dispute that deteriorated into a violent civil conflict that eventually subsided in June 2011. Meetings and consultations were held with Bouygues, SOCOPRIM, SACPRM, BURGEAP (ESIA consultant), relevant government officials responsible for the Project and oversight of environmental and social aspects, project-affected people (""PAPs""), and other relevant stakeholders.

Based on the findings of the December 2009 site visit and review of the 1998 EIA and RAP and 2009 ESIA Update, Bouygues was requested by MIGA to prepare additional studies and action plans for the Project to comply with MIGA’s Performance Standards and the World Bank Group EHS Guidelines. Seven additional studies and action plans were prepared and submitted to MIGA for review between July 2010 and January 2012.

The documents reviewed by MIGA included:

  • Étude d’Impact Environnemental de Liaison Riviera-Marcory – Tome I (Environmental Impact Study of the Riveria–Marcory Bridge – Volume I). April 1998. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""1998 EIA and RAP"")
  • Étude d’Impact Environnemental de Liaison Riviera-Marcory – Tome II: Plan d’Action pour la Réinstallation de la Population Affectée par le Projet (Environmental Impact Study of the Riveria–Marcory Bridge – Volume II: Resettlement Action Plan of the Project Affected People). April 1998.BURGEAP. (referred to as ""1998 EIA and RAP"")
  • Étude d’Impact Environnemental de l'échangeur avec le Boulevard Valery Giscard d'Estaing du projet de Liaison Riviera-Marcory (Envirnomental Impact Study of the Boulvevard Valery Giscard d‘Estaing for the Riviera–Marcory Bridge project). June 1999. BURGEAP.
  • Mise à Jour de l’Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for the Riviera–Marcory Bridge Project). June 2009. BURGEAP (referred to as ""2009 ESIA Update"")
  • Mise à Jour de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory: Étude du Milieu Lagunaire, des Opérations de Dragage, des Forages de Pieux et Actualisation de l’Étude Bathymétrique – Rapport Final (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project: Study of the Lagoon Environment, Dredging Operations, Driving of Piles and Updating of the Bathymetric Survey – Final Report). July 2010. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2010 Lagoon ESIA Update"")
  • Mise à Jour de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory: Étude Complémentaire Socioéconomique – Plan de Réinstallation Révise et du Plan d’Action selon les Termes de Références de la Banque Africaine de Développement (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project: Complimentary Socioeconomic Study – Revised Resettlement Action Plan under the Terms of Reference of the African Development Bank). August 2010. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2010 Revised RAP"")
  • Mise à Jour de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory: Étude Complémentaire Socioéconomique – Étude Diagnostique du Plan de Réinstallation Révise et du Plan d’Action Selon les Termes de Références de la Banque Africaine de Développement (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study of the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project: Complimentary Socioeconomic Study – Diagnostic Study for the Revised Resettlement Action Plan under the Terms of Reference of the African Development Bank). August 2010. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2010 RAP Baseline"")
  • Mise à Jour de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory: Compléments au Rapport d’EIES Initial (1998) et au Rapport de Mise à Jour de l’EIES (juin 2009) (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project: Additions to the Initial ESIA Report [1998] and ESIA Update Report [June 2009]). January 2011. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2011 ESIA Update"")
  • Mise à Jour de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Liaison Riviera–Marcory: Étude Complémentaire Socioéconomique – Consolidation des Données du Plan de Réinstallation Révisé (PRR) avec les Structures Étatiques et les Populations Affectées par le Projet (Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project: Complementary Socioeconomic Study – Data Consolidation of the Revised Resettlement Action Plan with State Structures and Project Affected People). September 2011. BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2011 Consolidated RAP"")
  • Plan de Gestion Environnemental et Social (PGES) du Projet de Liaison Riviera-Marcory – Rapport Final (Environmental and Social Management Plan [ESMP] for the Riveria–Marcory Bridge Project – Final Report. January 2012). BURGEAP. (referred to as ""2012 ESMP"")
  • Environnment: Plan de Mesure d’Urgence en Cas de Deversements Accidentels et d’Accidents (Environment: Emergency Action Plan in case of Accidental Spills and Accidents. N° 10012). January 2012. SOCOPRIM. (referred to as ""Emergency and Spill Response Plan"")
  • Santé Sécurité: Plan Particulier Sécurité et Protection de la Santé (Health and Safety: Health and Safety Protection Plan. N° 10013). January 2012. SOCOPRIM. (referred to as ""Health and Safety Plan"")

PS1:  Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems

Social and Environmental Assessment: The 1998 EIA and RAP were prepared on behalf of the Sponsor in accordance with the relevant environmental laws of Cote d’Ivoire (""CI"") and World Bank operational directives and guidelines in effect at the time. Relevant CI environmental laws include the Environmental Code (loi n°96-766 of October 3, 1996) which requires an environmental impact assessment (""EIA"") for all large-scale projects, the decree on EIA (décret n°96-894 of November 8, 1996) which establishes procedures for the preparation, review and approval of EIAs, and the decree of 25 November 1930 which sets forth administrative and judicial procedures relating to expropriations for public right-of-way. Significant adverse environmental and social impacts assessed by the 1998 EIA and RAP during construction and operation included: drilling of piles, surface water quality, air emissions, noise, traffic congestion and accidents, access of motorists and pedestrians to public utilities, and physical and economic displacement of PAPs in both Cocody and Marcory communes.

Prior to requesting MIGA’s participation in July 2009, the Sponsor commissioned the 2009 ESIA Update.The 2009 ESIA Update presents potential environmental and social issues (including land acquisition and compensation); however, following MIGA’s review and December 2009 site visit, MIGA requested the Sponsor to further revise and update the  ESIA to comply with MIGA’s Performance Standards and the World Bank Group EHS Guidelines. The following studies and action plans were subsequently prepared and submitted: 2010 RAP Baseline, 2010 Revised RAP, 2011 Consolidated RAP, 2010 Lagoon ESIA Update, 2011 ESIA Update[1] and 2012 ESMP. In addition, the Sponsor prepared and submitted a Health and Safety Plan and Emergency and Spill Response Plan.

The VGE interchange is an associated facility because it will improve traffic circulation allowing the HKB Bridge to receive higher volumes of traffic. An EIA report was prepared and approved by GOCI for the interchange in 1998. MIGA will require the report be updated.

Management Program: The 2012 ESMP included an action plan for the design and implementation of an Environmental and Social Management System (""ESMS"") for construction and operation that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard, which Bouygues is certified, and Bouygues’s internal standards defined in their Environmental Manual. An EHS unit of will be established to manage implementation of the ESMS and ESMP during construction and operation. The 2012 ESMP has not been finalized, with updates to sediment management procedures and action plans related to traffic and waste management expected prior to the start of construction.

Organizational Capacity and Training: The Sponsor, Bouygues, has extensive global experience constructing large public works and operating concessions, demonstrating significant capacity to manage environmental and social risks and impacts. SACPRM   has hired an EHS unit for oversight, management and control of EHS and OHS, and corresponding monitoring and reporting for construction. The SOCOPRIM CEO will be directly in charge of environmental and social management, especially during operations. Experts are planned to be engaged from Bouygues headquarters in Paris to provide technical support and training for managing environmental risks and impacts after financial close is achieved.

Monitoring and Reporting: The ESMS will include provisions for periodic visits, site inspections, internal and third-party audits to verify implementation of the ESMS, review standards, update objectives, and identify new preventive and corrective actions to implement. Review of the ESMS will also include the evaluation of regulatory compliance, complaints, the status of ESMS documents, results of corrective and preventive actions and areas for improvement. An environmental monitoring program was included within the 2012 ESMP and will be integrated into the EMS. Reporting on environmental and social performance will be conducted regularly.

 PS 2:  Labor and Working Conditions

During the peak period of construction, approximately 940 workers will be employed. The majority of the construction work force will be engaged by sub-contractors to the EPC, SACPRM. A small number of contract workers are already onsite carrying out site preparation activities. Occupational health and safety (""OHS"") practices observed during the March 2012 site visit were found to be  satisfactory and consistent with PS2. Workers on site were found to have appropriate levels of PPE. Management of OHS is currently through the SACPRM on-site project manager, and responsibility has been delegated to all workers for reporting unsafe conditions or behavior. The ESIA identified adverse OHS risks during construction, particularly identifying earth works, dredging, and pile drilling as high risk. The Sponsor has prepared a Health and Safety Plan to identify, prevent and control the risks of accidents and injuries to direct hire and contract workers. The Health and Safety Plan establishes minimum standards and requirements for personal protective equipment (""PPE""), signage, housekeeping and general good practices, and a training program. Procedures are in place to ensure that sub-contractors comply with the Health and Safety Plan and legal OHS requirements. OHS monitoring and reporting will be conducted.

MIGA requires receiving an HR policy consistent with the national labor law and PS2, reflecting transparent worker relations, terms and duration of employment, and a grievance mechanism, all based on the principle of non-discrimination.

PS 3:  Pollution Prevention and Abatement

The ESIA identified and assessed adverse construction and operation risks and impacts related to: dredging, solid and hazardous waste, hazardous materials, surface runoff, and air emissions. These risks and impacts are expected to be managed through mitigation measures provided in the 2012 ESMP.

The planned dredging activity presents risks to surface water quality through the re-suspension of sediments and fine material contributing to suspended solids loads and potentially releasing toxic contaminants into the water column. Sediment analyses provided in the 2010 Lagoon ESIA Update found concentrations of toxic contaminants to be generally below thresholds for classification as hazardous waste, however the magnitude of risks and impacts to surface water, aquatic biota and human health is sufficient to require mitigation.

The mitigation measures outlined in the 2012 ESMP and represented to MIGA by Bouygues call for the use of a cutter-suction dredge to minimize the mobilization of sediments and the implementation of sediment monitoring to test dredged material for identifying the appropriate disposal option. Dredged material with contaminant concentrations above thresholds will be classified and disposed according to the Waste Management Plan. The 2012 ESMP will be revised to reflect a clear procedure for storing and testing for contaminants prior to deposition of dredged material. Solid and hazardous waste are expected to be generated primarily during construction. Cote d’Ivoire has low capacity for the proper management and disposal of waste. The Sponsor will prepare a Waste Management Plan as part of the ESMS.

Risks and impacts of hazardous materials spills to surface water and soil during construction are related to liquid cement leaks during piling, hydrocarbon leaks/spills from floating equipment, coating product spills, refueling spills and a fuel tank rupture. An Emergency and Spill Response Plan has been prepared as part of the ESMS for handling accidental spillages and accidents, specifying responsibilities and competent authorities for emergency response.

Surface runoff during storm events is expected to impact surface water quality in the lagoon during construction and operation through contributing to loads of suspended and dissolved solids. Mitigation measures for this impact are provided in the 2012 ESMP and include surface contouring and the use of anti-erosion materials in ramp construction. Turbidity will be monitored on a periodic basis adjacent the Project site throughout construction.

Air emissions generated during construction from vehicle exhaust (resulting from traffic congestion and construction equipment) and fugitive dust (resulting from land clearing, grading and road resurfacing)  were assessed as minor, however higher traffic volumes over the HKB Bridge during operation are expected to have a major impact on ambient air quality. These impacts will be managed through mitigation measures provided in the 2012 ESMP. Fugitive dust impacts will be mitigated through regular water spraying during road works. A maintenance program will ensure all construction vehicles and heavy machinery will be maintained in proper working condition. A Traffic Management Plan will be prepared by the Sponsor as part of the ESMS to avoid or reduce adverse impacts on traffic circulation during construction and operation to mitigate air emissions from idling vehicles. Periodic air quality monitoring will be conducted during construction.

PS 4:  Community Health, Safety & Security

The proposed bridge will be constructed and operated in an urban area. Identified hazards resulting from construction and operation include noise, traffic and pedestrian safety. These impacts are expected to be particularly acute in Marcory, which is densely populated. These impacts are expected to be mitigated through measures provided in the 2012 ESMP.

Noise impacts during construction are expected to result from drilling of piles and road works, with increased traffic noise expected during operation. Noise impacts from drilling of piles in the lagoon are expected be of limited duration and will only occur during regular work hours. Noise impacts will be monitored at the Project site on a periodic basis. A baffle wall will be constructed in Marcory along the right-of-way to reduce operational noise impacts to adjacent communities and stakeholders.

Risks of traffic accidents and pedestrian safety will be mitigated through a Traffic Management Plan, which will be prepared by the Sponsor as part of the ESMS to promote traffic circulation during construction and operation and improve safety through measures that include detour routes, signage and flaggers. Risks to pedestrians will be further mitigated through widening of sidewalks along access roads.

Security: During the March 2012 MIGA site visit, it was observed that the security arrangements of the project enterprise are appropriate, with due diligence performed on the security contractors used, including involvement in crimes during the country’s civil conflicts. The Bouygues group of companies in Cote d’Ivoire currently has 3 accredited security contractors that they use. Night guards will generally be armed, and the project enterprise will verify that all guards are properly trained.

PS5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

In 1998, the Project required land acquisition resulting in the resettlement and compensation of some 2,500 people and businesses. Resettlement and compensation was conducted mostly in compliance with the World Bank/IFC safeguard policies in effect at that time. Caritas, the Abidjan-based branch of an NGO associated with the Episcopal Church, was involved in resettlement and community consultations as a witness NGO, and also provided advice to the Ministry of Construction and Public Works with regard to community consultations and information disclosure. The resettlement and compensation of 153 households could not be completed due to the political events which started in 1999, and a further 55 households have experienced difficulties with access to infrastructure, as discussed below. Furthermore, land cleared in 1998 was occupied during the war and following years. As a result, it was necessary to conduct a second resettlement, in 2010-2011, in which approximately 2,500 people/businesses were identified in the 2010 baseline. 

At the time of MIGA’s 2009 site visit, the following physical and economic displacement had occurred or was anticipated:

  • Blengé Valley: about 10 houses/structures and some land (with banana trees and vegetables gardens) were expected to be affected due to an access road.  Based on the client’s explanation in March 2012, half a dozen houses had to be moved.
  • Blengé  Valley and Allakho II neighborhoods: In 1998, 153 families were relocated temporarily to the Gendarme site in Blengé  Valley by the Project with the intention of finding a permanent site for resettlement. But a permanent site is still pending; see below.
  • Boulevard Valery Giscard Interchange: Where the central market of Marcory is situated. Impacts on about 230 small businesses (second hand clothing shops, small restaurants, car wash businesses, etc) were anticipated. These small businesses were registered and paid tax (60.000 CFA monthly) to the Marcory municipality.  Almost all the businesses were aware that they would need to relocate. The number of businesses affected turned out to be more numerous: 850 businesses with 2,153 people impacted, including employees; see below.
  • Anoumabo Channel: About 40 small-scale pig farmers had established some structures for breeding pigs, although they are located on the other side of the channel.  At the time it was uncertain whether these farmers would be displaced. In the end this displacement was necessary; see below

Currently outstanding issues from the 1998 and post-2010 displacements that need to be addressed: Based the findings of MIGA’s 2012 site visit the following outstanding issues still need to be addressed, which are summarized as follows:

  • The 153 Cocody households temporarily relocated to the Gendarme site as part of the 1998 displacement need resettlement with security of tenure. A thorough consultation is needed with the households, and it may be necessary to update and reconcile existing baselines.  These households were evicted from the Gendarme site in 2006, at which point the 153 households were dispersed throughout Abidjan and some moved to neighboring countries during the war, with approximately 20 remaining within 200-1000 meters of the Gendarme site in a neighborhood called Alakro.
  • An additional 55 households resettled in eastern Anoumabo as part of the 1998 displacement have good quality houses, but are currently in a situation with inadequate water, sanitation, community safety, and transportation, . Title or some other form of security of tenure is still pending.
  • People displaced as part of the post-2010 relocation have received or will receive some relocation assistance payments, but it needs to be confirmed that the compensation that has been and will be paid in each case is consistent with MIGA’s PS5 requirements (e.g. ""replacement value"" for assets lost; compensation for business interruption).

Compensation and livelihood restoration efforts must be based on the principle of compensation of those present prior to the (August 6, 2010) cut-off date so that Project-affected people are better off or at least no worse off after implementation of compensation and livelihood restoration measures. This will require, for example, a valuation of assets lost which must be compensated, and a valuation of business interruption, in addition to relocation assistance. In all cases the valuations must involve consultation with the affected people and include a grievance mechanism.

The list of businesses for whom compensation must be assessed and any gaps in compensation covered include the following:

  • Plant/flower sellers and horticulturalists (reported numbers about 90)
  • Pig farmers (reported numbers at least  22) displaced post-2010 from the Marcory side, some of whom are living a short distance across the channel;
  • Restaurant owners, mechanics, other small business owners and clothes sellers, who, including employees, make up the remainder of the PAPs (2,000+): it is necessary to determine whether restaurant owners, mechanics, and other small businesses have received sufficient compensation, and whether the arrangements for the currently proposed site for the clothes sellers are affordable for the sellers, monitor the relocation and any business interruption problems in particular, and check and remedy any compensation gaps. It will be necessary to carry out radio and flyer advertisements for the new clothes selling site in anticipation of the move.

A small number of artisanal fishers were observed in and near the project area during MIGA’s March 2012 site visit, but based on BURGEAP and AfDB’s explanations fishing is only an occasional activity.  It does not represent an income source or constitute a significant source of household nutrition for anyone. 

Under the Concession, GoCI is responsible for providing the Project site to the Project Enterprise free of any occupants and to manage the land acquisition and relocation of PAPs. GoCI expressedin writing to SOCOPRIM its intention that all project affected people and businesses be compensated and relocated in compliance with MIGA’s Performance Standards.  Bouygues has committed to coordinate/cooperate with the GoCI.


[1] The 2009 ESIA Update, 2010 Lagoon ESIA Update, and 2011 ESIA Update are collectively known as the ""ESIA"".

Environmental Permitting and Public Consultation: The National Environment Agency (""ANDE"") is responsible for approving ESIAs and issuing environmental permits to operate, which define the procedures for implementing the ESMP. ANDE requires project sponsors to conduct consultations with PAPs and affected communities during preparation of ESIAs, incorporating their concerns in the ESIA. Once an ESIA is presented, ANDE starts a 15 day public inquiry to receive input from the public to inform its decision making. During the public inquiry at least one public meeting is organized where project design, potential impacts and mitigation measures are explained, and related public agencies, press, NGOs, PAPs and the general public are invited to attend and comment..Following the public inquiry, ANDE convenes an inter-ministerial commission of experts from relevant government agencies, academia and NGOs to receive technical advice on the ESIA. ANDE is then generally required to make an approval decision within two months. After construction starts, ANDE requires submission of annual monitoring reports. If significant issues are identified, ANDE can ask project sponsors to arrange an independent audit. After submission, Resettlement action plans need to be presented to the Ministry of Construction and Public Works for approval.

Consultation commenced in January 1998 following GOCI issuing a public utility decree to authorize the Project (décret n°98-18 of January 14, 1998) and continued throughout 1998 following completion of the 1998 EIA and RAP. Public meetings held twice each in the communes of Marcory and Cocody[1] in accordance with the EIA decree and World Bank guidelines, with the minutes included in the 1998 EIA and RAP.  Following review, GOCI issued an order of approval for the 1998 EIA and RAP (arrêté n°07 MCE. DE. BEIE. of January 28, 2000) subject to the implementation of environmental mitigation measures and monitoring. ANDE has verified that the public utility decree and EIA approval remain valid, which they contend restricts their legal authority under CI law to hold additional consultations on the Project. However, additional informal consultations were conducted with PAPs by the communes of Marcory and Cocody, and Caritas in preparation of the updates to the RAP.

Broad Community Support: MIGA has not yet been able to make a finding as to whether or not a process of free, prior and informed consultation (""FPIC"") was carried out leading to broad community support (""BCS"") because the implementation of PS5 has not yet been remedied.  In addition, the Sponsor, together with GoCI, will need to conduct a community awareness campaign prior to the opening of the HKB Bridge and consider public transit options through the city.  The Sponsor will ensure that a process of FPIC is complied.


[1] Marcory public meetings were held January 15 and April 14, 1998. Cocody public meetings were held April 15 and November 18, 1998.

The above listed documentation is available electronically as PDF attachments to this ESRS at
