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For over 28 years, MIGA has leveraged reinsurance partnerships to amplify its investment guarantee capacity, manage risk, and foster private sector growth in political risk insurance. This collaboration enables MIGA to...
This video shows MIGA's commitment to gender equality, detailing how the World Bank Group's Gender Strategy and Guarantee Platform work to enhance economic inclusion, support women’s leadership, and address challenges...
The World Bank Group is revolutionizing risk management for private investors in emerging markets by unifying about 20 guarantee products into a single platform. This streamlined approach simplifies solutions and...
MIGA is pleased to invite you to the “9th Annual MIGA Gender Leadership Award: The Shift to a Green and Caring Economy” on Friday, March 8 at 10 am ET. Every year, MIGA presents its Gender Leadership Award, honoring...
Amidst the collapse of market finance in developing countries, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) emerge as crucial agents for resource mobilization in sustainable development. In the new MIGA report, "Market Finance...
Of the 40 projects MIGA supported during the year, 37 were in low-income countries, fragile and conflict-affected situations, or involved climate finance
U.K. contribution to MIGA’s SURE Trust Fund will assist in trade and reconstruction efforts.
MIGA’s expanded guarantee will help small and medium enterprises and the agricultural sector.
MIGA and the International...
Over the last decade, MIGA helped finance state-of-the-art, earthquake-resistant hospitals across Türkiye. That investment recently paid off in lives saved.
Claudia María González Arteaga, CFO at Bancóldex, is the recipient of this year’s MIGA Gender Leadership Award. Her dedication to innovation has boosted access to credit for MSMEs (Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized...
MIGA’s 8th Annual Gender Leadership Award, titled “Innovation through Female Entrepreneurship” recognized Claudia María González Arteaga, Chief Financial Officer at Bancóldex in Colombia. It was the first...
Innovative Scatec, MIGA, EBRD collaboration secures bond rating six notches above sovereign, complies with MIGA environmental and social standards. Paves way for institutional investors.
New flood-resilient motorway will link two major cities, support economic growth and tourism, and connect critical regional commercial centers with neighboring countries.
The dialogue takes place as West African countries recover from COVID-19, a global coordinated climate action effort is underway, and the investment landscape continues to evolve.
Few industries have been hit harder by the COVID-19 pandemic than hospitality. Hotels in Sub-Saharan Africa suffered more than most as many nations closed borders, blocking the international visitors that sustain the industry...
MIGA's 7th Annual Gender Leadership Award, titled “Clean Energy for All,” recognizes clean energy leader with proven track record of furthering women’s advancement and gender equality.
Guarantee provided to BBVA will help finance the improvement and expansion of public hospitals, labs and clinics, the upgrade of medical information system, and the purchase of over 100 ambulances.
Small businesses in North Macedonia struggled to make ends meet during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. As the country opened, companies looked to green their business operations and relied on banks, like ProCredit Bank,...
Since 2013, MIGA has provided $25 million in guarantees and reinsurance to the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) in support of Silverlands Ranching Limited, an integrated cattle ranch and cropping...
A new crop of energy providers is expanding the provision of off-grid energy as a service and their innovative business model spares massive up-front investment in power infrastructure.
A new series of animated videos explain how MIGA’s five core products work and how they support projects in parts of the world where private investors and lenders are reluctant to go.
For over 28 years, MIGA has leveraged reinsurance partnerships to amplify its investment guarantee capacity, manage risk, and foster private sector growth in political risk insurance. This collaboration enables MIGA to...
This video shows MIGA's commitment to gender equality, detailing how the World Bank Group's Gender Strategy and Guarantee Platform work to enhance economic inclusion, support women’s leadership, and address challenges...
The World Bank Group is revolutionizing risk management for private investors in emerging markets by unifying about 20 guarantee products into a single platform. This streamlined approach simplifies solutions and...
MIGA is pleased to invite you to the “9th Annual MIGA Gender Leadership Award: The Shift to a Green and Caring Economy” on Friday, March 8 at 10 am ET. Every year, MIGA presents its Gender Leadership Award, honoring...
Amidst the collapse of market finance in developing countries, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) emerge as crucial agents for resource mobilization in sustainable development. In the new MIGA report, "Market Finance...
Of the 40 projects MIGA supported during the year, 37 were in low-income countries, fragile and conflict-affected situations, or involved climate finance
U.K. contribution to MIGA’s SURE Trust Fund will assist in trade and reconstruction efforts.
MIGA’s expanded guarantee will help small and medium enterprises and the agricultural sector.
MIGA and the International...
Over the last decade, MIGA helped finance state-of-the-art, earthquake-resistant hospitals across Türkiye. That investment recently paid off in lives saved.
Claudia María González Arteaga, CFO at Bancóldex, is the recipient of this year’s MIGA Gender Leadership Award. Her dedication to innovation has boosted access to credit for MSMEs (Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized...
MIGA’s 8th Annual Gender Leadership Award, titled “Innovation through Female Entrepreneurship” recognized Claudia María González Arteaga, Chief Financial Officer at Bancóldex in Colombia. It was the first...
Innovative Scatec, MIGA, EBRD collaboration secures bond rating six notches above sovereign, complies with MIGA environmental and social standards. Paves way for institutional investors.
New flood-resilient motorway will link two major cities, support economic growth and tourism, and connect critical regional commercial centers with neighboring countries.
The dialogue takes place as West African countries recover from COVID-19, a global coordinated climate action effort is underway, and the investment landscape continues to evolve.
Few industries have been hit harder by the COVID-19 pandemic than hospitality. Hotels in Sub-Saharan Africa suffered more than most as many nations closed borders, blocking the international visitors that sustain the industry...
MIGA's 7th Annual Gender Leadership Award, titled “Clean Energy for All,” recognizes clean energy leader with proven track record of furthering women’s advancement and gender equality.
Guarantee provided to BBVA will help finance the improvement and expansion of public hospitals, labs and clinics, the upgrade of medical information system, and the purchase of over 100 ambulances.
Small businesses in North Macedonia struggled to make ends meet during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. As the country opened, companies looked to green their business operations and relied on banks, like ProCredit Bank,...
Since 2013, MIGA has provided $25 million in guarantees and reinsurance to the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) in support of Silverlands Ranching Limited, an integrated cattle ranch and cropping...
A new crop of energy providers is expanding the provision of off-grid energy as a service and their innovative business model spares massive up-front investment in power infrastructure.
A new series of animated videos explain how MIGA’s five core products work and how they support projects in parts of the world where private investors and lenders are reluctant to go.
The platform will help provide transparency and certainty for the World Bank Group’s clients across the guarantee process, with a better client experience.
Electric Mobility, a Kosovo-based startup, transforms transportation with eco-friendly solutions. With support from ProCredit Bank and MIGA, Electric Mobility overcame financial barriers, leading the shift toward sustainability...
Every year, MIGA presents its Gender Leadership Award, honoring senior managers who have a proven track record of seeking to further the causes of women’s advancement and gender equality. MIGA is delighted to recognize...
Washington, March 4, 2024 – The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of the World Bank (MIGA) has issued a guarantee of up to $132 million to MUFG Bank of Japan to support financing of investments by the Dedicated...
MIGA is pleased to invite you to the “9th Annual MIGA Gender Leadership Award: The Shift to a Green and Caring Economy” on Friday, March 8 at 10 am ET. Every year, MIGA presents its Gender Leadership Award, honoring...